Medical Conditions Terminology in Category F


Finnish Type Sialic Acid Storage Disease

Autosomal recessive neurodegenerative disorders caused by lysosomal membrane transport defects that result in accumulation of free sialic acid (N-ACETYLNEURAMINIC ACID) within the lysosomes. The two main clinical phenotypes, which are allelic variants of the SLC17A5 gene, are ISSD, a severe infantile form, or Salla disease, a slowly progressive adult form, named for the geographic area [...]

Fluorescence Polarizations

Measurement of the polarization of fluorescent light from solutions or microscopic specimens. It is used to provide information concerning molecular size, shape, and conformation, molecular anisotropy, electronic energy transfer, molecular interaction, including dye and coenzyme binding, and the antigen-antibody reaction.

Foams and Jellies Vaginal Creams

Medicated dosage forms for topical application in the vagina. A cream is a semisolid emulsion containing suspended or dissolved medication; a foam is a dispersion of a gas in a medicated liquid resulting in a light, frothy mass; a jelly is a colloidal semisolid mass of a water soluble medicated material, usually translucent. The concept [...]

Focal Seizures

Clinical or subclinical disturbances of cortical function due to a sudden, abnormal, excessive, and disorganized discharge of brain cells. Clinical manifestations include abnormal motor, sensory and psychic phenomena. Recurrent seizures are usually referred to as EPILEPSY or “seizure disorder.”

Follicular Small Cleaved Cell Lymphoma

A low-grade malignant lymphoma of predominantly follicular pattern. Follicles are of relatively uniform size and shape and the cells are usually somewhat larger than normal lymphocytes. Nuclei are irregular with prominent indentations and cytoplasm can rarely be identified. Cells exhibiting these characteristics are often called centrocytes.

for-Profit Hospitals Private

Hospitals owned and operated by a corporation or an individual that operate on a for-profit basis, also referred to as investor-owned hospitals.

Fragilitas Ossiums

Autosomal dominant COLLAGEN DISEASES resulting from defective biosynthesis of COLLAGEN TYPE I and characterized by brittle, osteoporotic, and easily fractured bones. It may also present with blue sclerae, loose joints, and imperfect dentin formation. There are four major types, I-IV.

Fungal Regulation of Gene Expression

Any of the processes by which nuclear, cytoplasmic, or intercellular factors influence the differential control of gene action in fungi.

Fungal Multidrug Resistance

The ability of fungi to resist or to become tolerant to several structurally and functionally distinct drugs simultaneously. This resistance phenotype may be attributed to multiple gene mutations.


The large family of plants characterized by pods. Some are edible and some cause LATHYRISM; or FAVISM; and other forms of poisoning. Other species yield useful materials like gums from ACACIA and various lectins like PHYTOHEMAGGLUTININ from PHASEOLUS. Many of them harbor nitrogen-fixing bacteria on their roots.